Series 3 Episode 33

Skippy and the Skipathon

When the water main at Habitat bursts, Jerry and Lou find out first hand what it is like to live without running water. They find out at school that there are lots of people who have never had running water, and decide to make a project out of raising enough money to buy a water pump for a poor African village.The project is soon reduced into a contest between the boys and the girls.

The boys want to get sponsors for skating on their roller blades, the girls want to get sponsors for the amount of time they can skip rope. Eventually, when the roller blades are banned from Habitat they unite in Skipathon, but rivalry continues and they decide to find out if the boys or girls can go the longest without water during the contest. When one of the boys collapses with early signs of dehydration the contest is called off, and it is only with the help of a generous patron that the village gets its pump and the children see the virtue of working together.

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