Series 2 Episode 21

Skippy and the Roos

The Roos are Jerry’s soccer team. Kate is their trainer, Skippy is their mascot, and Lou videos their games fo discussion after practice. In mid season, however, Thel and Sonny, the supports of all this activity, are laid low with flu. Lou tries getting the meals, but she’s a woeful cook and it’s Jerry who turns out to be a natural in the kitchen.

When his team mates get wind of this, however, they rag him because ‘cooking is for girls’. The members of the hottest opposition team latch on and taunt Jerry on the field. In a burst of macho spirit, Jerry punches out an opponent and is sent off. The game is lost and there’ll be no finals for the Roos this year. But everyone has learnt a lesson about male and female roles and team spirit, and there’s always next season…

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