Series 3 Episode 35

Skippy and the Golfer

Jerry and Tim have been stealing golf balls from the fairways of a local golf course. When they are found out, they are given the punishment of weeding the gardens to pay for the value of the balls they ‘borrowed’. Brad, the junior pro at the course, decides to teach them what golf is all about. Both Jerry and Tim become fascinated with the game. Tim is a natural, and starts skipping school to spend more time playing golf.

Brad encourages him by telling him he once did the same thing, and that he’s going to show his teachers that an education isn’t important by winning millions of dollars playing golf. Jerry covers for Tim at school, and tries to convince him to return. But when Tim does show up, he pretends that he is ill and the teacher sends him home again. Skippy follows him to the golf course, and even though there is a thunderstorm coming, he and Brad decide to play a round anyway. Lightning hits a tree near them and Brad is badly hurt. For a while it looks like he will never play golf again. He tells Jerry that until the accident he has never realised that because of his lack of education, without golf he has nothing. Both Tim and Brad decide that school may have its place after all.

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