Series 3 Episode 32

Skippy and the Flim Flammers

While spending a few days with Thel at her fishing shack, Jerry and Lou run into Grumpy Johnson an old man who owns the property across the river from Thel’s and has felt for forty years that his family was cheated out of their land by Thel’s grandfather. Grumpy has always been a bit of a con man, or Flim Flammer, as Thel calls him, and is in the process of teaching his grandson, Brett, how to fleece unsuspecting strangers.

He almost gets his revenge when Brett wins both Jerry’s bicycle and Skippy from him in a game of poker. Jerry is heartbroken, but eventually Lou comes up with a way to turn the tables on Grumpy and Brett, and both the bicycle and Skippy are returned safely.

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