Series 2 Episode 25

Skippy and the Bushfire

On a dare, Jerry sneaks into a bush tree house where there lives a man who is mad at today’s modern civilisation. He’s guarding a colony of koalas and has let the stories about him spread in order to protect his beloved furry friends. Instead of hunting the kids away, Jerry talks him into showing them the koalas at school, and the kids are impressed. But one of them is impressed in the wrong way.

He sneaks off to the old man’s camp and tries to steal a koala, but he falls and hurts himself. In trying to attract attention to his plight, he accidentally lights a bushfire. It’s only with seconds to go that Jerry, Lou Kate and Thel manage to whip the koalas out of the path of the bushfire, and Sonny and Dave save the fallen boy. While the old man is getting his life together again, he agrees to show his koalas at Habitat as he showed them to the kids at school, and the crowds are delighted.

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