Series 3 Episode 28

Skippy and the Big Sister

Kate’s nephew Sean has come to Habitat for a visit. He is primarily a city kid and unhappy in the bush. He is even less pleased when he discovers that he has to go and spend some time with his Grandad Bill who he thinks is a bit of a nut. Jerry and Lou let him take Skippy along as a companion. When they arrive at Grandad Bill’s, Kate and Sean are greeted with the sight of Bill being chased across a field by a huge bull.

Grandad says it’s the crazy lady next door and her kids that have put the bull onto him. At first Sean thinks it’s just another of Grandad’s stories, but he soon discovers that there are four small children living on the next door farm who have been abandoned by their parents. When they are found out, the children fear that they will all be split up and put into foster homes, and they decide to take their friend the bull and try to run away into the city. They soon get in trouble in the bush. Sean and Skippy find them, and with the help of Grandad Bill a happy resolution is found.

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