
Brugess, veterinarian of Habitat, is 27 years old.

A graduate of the University of Sydney, she has come to Vet Science because it was a natural extension of what she loved best – animals.

Her family were city people and could never quite work out why their attractive, outgoing, talented daughter wanted to spend her time, even as a child, tending to the sick and lame creatures of the world.

She has spend quite a lot of time in the outback studying native animals and she was on her way back to Sydney when she got her job as a vet advisor to the national park, where we first meet her.

Her agreement with Thel was a loose one: she often called in and saw the animals that were having problems and made sure they were taken care of. She also looks after Skippy.

When Sonny takes over Habitat, Kate’s position there becomes firmer. She now uses the vet facilities at Habitat as a base for private practise. This gives her the chance to earn a living, help Habitat, and at the same time continue her work and research into the Australian wildlife in the nearby Queensland bush.

Something else, however, occurs to the Hammond children, and will occur to the audience. Is this woman to become a second Mrs Sonny Hammond? We may never know, but we’ll have a lot of fun guessing.